
Showing posts from January, 2024

What's In Your Crosshairs?

  If you’re shooting a rifle at a target a thousand yards away, you’ll never hit that target if you’ve got your sights or crosshairs on something else that’s only a hundred yards away and far off to your right or left. And if you’re driving a car down a narrow, one-lane road, you’ll drift off the road if you fix your gaze on everything off to either side and not on the road. So it is in our walk with God. We can’t stay on the narrow path or reach the goal of His Kingdom if our focus is elsewhere. Yeshua/Jesus told us not to worry about the things of this life, even the daily necessities, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Mat. 6:31-34). This is the number one priority. As Nathan Griffith has written previously , we must not be distracted. No matter the cost, no matter what’s going on around us, we must keep our eyes on the prize. When the storms of life are raging all around us, we must keep our eyes on the Messiah. Re

The Fake Jesus and a Mysterious Harlot

  In recent blog posts, we’ve analyzed the mystery of lawlessness mentioned in 2 Thessalonians. The mystery of lawlessness describes human attempts to change or abolish God’s appointed times and laws. It describes a counterfeit gospel — the one preached by mainstream Christianity! As we’ve seen, mainstream Christianity is the spiritual descendant of pagan Israel and Samaria . It pays lip service to God the Father and Jesus Christ, but teaches men to disobey God’s Word. And, as we’ve also seen, it mixes paganism with God’s truth. At the end of this age, the mystery of lawlessness culminates with a man that the apostle Paul described as the “man of sin,” “son of perdition,” and “lawless one” (2 Thes. 2:3, 8). A man “who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God” (2 Thes. 2:4). A man elsewhere called the Beast or the Antichrist. This Antichrist, and the system he represents, is

What Is The Masculine Patriarchal Christian Legacy?

What is your legacy? People long to be remembered after they die. They want to leave behind something that will stand through the ages as a reminder to the world that they existed. They fear being forgotten by humanity after their death because they want to believe that their life meant something, that it had a purpose. They want to leave a mark. As Christians, we know that we will always be remembered by our creator and one day, He will bring us back to life from that memory. Men still have an inherent need to leave a mark on the world, though. So, as Christian men, what should this legacy that we leave behind be? World’s nicest guy? Hmm. That’s not very motivating, is it?  What then? How about the legacy of a strong Christian warrior? A wild and courageous man who lived the life God set before him to the utmost, never bowing before Satan. These men exist, and they disappear with only God to remember their names, leaving nothing behind except a good example. This is a strong man, but