When Does a Day Begin? Sunrise? Sunset? Or…?
When the clock strikes midnight, one day ends and another begins. So it is in the modern world, and so it’s been throughout most of western society since the invention of mechanical clocks. But we all know this isn’t the system God established in the Bible. So when does a day begin and end, according to Scripture? It’s generally accepted that a Biblical day begins and ends at sunset. The seventh-day Sabbath, then, begins at sunset on Friday and ends at sunset on Saturday. But there are others who assert that a Biblical day begins at sunrise and ends at the next sunrise. They then assert that we ought to keep the Sabbath from sunrise on Saturday until sunrise on Sunday. Obviously, it’s important for us to know when a day begins and ends. Otherwise, we might only be keeping half of the Sabbath holy and profaning the other half! There are other variations as well, and you can probably find them all on the Internet. Afterall, if a thought has ever popped into anyone’s head at any tim...